A. Church #6 in the Revelation. This was the Philadelphia church in the Bible. They
baptized a person by full immersion that believed in Christ and had repented.
Only a few of these churches existed prior to the Rapture.
These taught that a person must be born again and obey the Gospel. These taught God′s Word as Jesus, the apostles, and prophets did.
The whole counsel of God (the Bible) was their textbook.
People from this church were raptured.
B. Church #7 in the Revelation. This was the Laodicean church. They baptized a
person by full immersion that may have believed in Christ and may have repented.
This was the main “Christian” church prior to the Rapture. Many denominations fell under this heading.
These taught a watered‐down, lukewarm message, regarding a person must be born again and obey the
Gospel. Some omitted repentance and obeying God′s Word as necessary to be saved and be raptured. Many mixed God′s Word with denominational
theology. They misunderstood certain Bible passages and taught a weak, lukewarm, people‐pleasing message. People in these churches did not
want good, sound teaching that proclaimed a total, uncompromising commitment of denying oneself, and picking up their cross and following
Christ, plus love and obedience to God and His Word. They did not know they were wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.
This was the age of many Bible colleges and universities. This was the time of Bible bookstores that sold hundreds or
thousands of books “about” the Bible, plus many translations of the Bible. This was the age that had radio, television, and internet lukewarm,
Bible teaching.
None were raptured from this church, unless they repented; yet many were
positive they would be raptured. These were crying out, “Lord, Lord, open to us,” but He responded, “I never knew you.”
C. Church #5 in the Revelation. This was the Sardis church. These baptized a person
by full immersion or by sprinkling that may have believed in Christ and may have repented.
These were the churches of the Reformation. Many followed the teachings of the churches of the Reformation before the Rapture.
This was the church that lived, yet was dead. In this church, man′s ideas were mixed in with God′s Word. Others taught half‐truths,
or what their denomination believed, or an incorrect understanding of some of God′s Word rather than the Word of God only.
Only a few were raptured from this church. They were admonished to repent.
D. Church #4 in the Revelation. This was the Thyatira church.
Some incorrectly believe this was the Roman Catholic Church. Upon close examination, one should find this was a church of love or
charity, service, faith, patience, and works. However, they allowed Jezebel (which represented the Roman Catholic Church) to teach and
seduce God′s servants to sin, and they did sin.
Those of the Thyatira church that had not been seduced were raptured.
Those of the Thyatira church that were seduced by the Roman Catholic Church—all went into the Great Tribulation, including the
Roman Catholic Church. None were raptured, except those that repented.
In all seven churches, overcoming all things through faith (including this world) was a requirement.